W.I.F.E is a community-based, volunteer-led nonprofit recognized under the 501(c)3 designation by the IRS. We were founded in 2014 by Pastor Pepper Bonay-Martin and a host of community leaders who saw the adverse effects of trauma and were compelled to act. Through our outreach efforts and programs, we have served over 500 women and their families across Long Island and Queens.

WIFE functions as supplementary resource where individuals affected by trauma have access to a support system and discreet services aimed at breaking negative patterns of repetitive behaviors that sabotage success, prevent emotional healing and result in unhealthy life choices. In addition, WIFE educates the community around the signs of trauma, personal development and empowerment at health fairs, church events, community centers and local schools.

Our team consists of certified counselors, licensed social workers and professional administrators working together to fulfill our mission. We operate year round and maintain the highest standards of operational efficiency and fiscal transparency. All client information is confidential.

We provide life coaching strategies specifically but not exclusively for those persons who were sinned against in ways that caused intense pain changing their nature and creating attitudes that promote negative thinking. We focus on persons who demonstrate behavioral patterns that sabotage their success and challenge their ability to be happy.

We specifically target women who have been traumatized by sexual abuse, rape, rejection and other related circumstances that have caused deeply embedded emotional wounds that continue to surface and hinder their ability to accomplish their goals and fulfill their destiny!